Notification of Departmental Promotion Committee Punjab Schools for Uplift & Upward Mobility Packages
The Punjab training division has chosen to hold Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) meeting twice in a year to guarantee that the educators qualified for advancement get advanced in a settled time allotment. Expressing this in an announcement here, Education Minister said according to the headings of Chief Minister the instruction division is pondering various critical choices to accomplish the twin destinations of facilitating the working of the office and accomplishing the objective of value training. She said keeping in mind the end goal to end the stalemate in advancements of educators and putting a stop to the act of the instructors themselves sending their advancement cases consistently, it has been chosen that the division would hold DPC twice in a year and the concerned equipped officer would keep up the record relating to the instructors going under their purview. The Minister likewise unveiled that each DPC to be directed following a half year would consider the presents likely on being empty over the span of next a half year and afterward the advancements of instructors would be done. She added that it has become exposed that the numerous cases identified with the status arrangements of instructors regularly wait on and to for all time tackle the issue, it has been chosen to refresh rank arrangements of educators before each DPC. She likewise explained that now, the concerned officer would refresh the status rundown and afterward the qualified instructors would be advanced through a DPC after at regular intervals remembering the empty posts