Notification Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale Promotion Sindh

 Notification of Sindh Government dated 22nd January 2019 Finance Department. This is a notification Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale Promotion Sindh Education  & Literacy Department.
In compliance to Supreme Court of Pakistan dated 19-07-2017 CP No. 130K/2017 and with the approval of competent authority i.e. Chief Minister Sindh. The government of Sindh is pleased to sanction higher grades on the basis of the Time scale to Subject Specialists of School Education & Literacy Department from BPS-17 & above.

Notification Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale Promotion Sindh

Terms & Conditions:
Sr. No.
Nomenclature of the post with BPS
Length of service required in BPS-17 & above for the next higher grade
Subject Specialists
Promoted 80%
Direct 20%
B-17 to B-18
14 Years
07 Years
B-18 to B-19
21 Years
14 Years
B-19 to B-20
24 Years
19 Years
·        The benefit of a 4-tier structure already being availed by subject specialists in BPS-17 in this department advice No. SO (SR-IV) 114/91 (Pt-II) dated 06-10-2016 is hereby withdrawn with immediate effect.
·        The benefit of the time scale will be considered and allowed on the recommendations of the provincial selective board after scrutiny of testimonial/ ACRs etc.


Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale


Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale
Notification Subject Teacher Salary after Time Scale Promotion Sindh Education

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