Punjab School Classroom with a New Android Mobile App
A new Android Mobile App has been introduced for Punjab school teachers at the start of the New Year 2019. It is decided to launch the Punjab School Classroom of the future with a New Android Mobile App to check the performance of teachers in Punjab schools. Assistant education officers AEOs are working as per this new Android mobile app. So, the detail of this app is given below.
Class Room Observation:
There are 9 indicators to observe through AEO Android Mobile App.
1. Teacher Diary
2. Homework for students
3. SLOs
4. Activity-Based Learning
5. Use of Visual Aids
6. Assessment of Students
7. Lesson Plan
8. Contact with Students in a class
9. Class Room Management
Teacher Diary: There should be nine lesson plans at least in the teacher diary in a week.
Home Work for Students: Homework should be given to the students of the class. A least three times a week homework should be given for maximum marks to a teacher.
Student Learning Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) should be prepared for the lesson. These SLOs should be as per the educational calendar. These should be compared with the previous lesson for maximum marks.
Activity-Based Learning:
It is necessary for students’ effective learning that there are at least two activities during lesson teaching.
Use of Visual Aids:
At least one thing except the board should be used in the class by a teacher.
Assessment of Students:
In addition, there should be verbal and written assessments of students. For written assessment, the teacher should check mistakes and remove them.
Lesson Plan.
The teaching of a teacher in a class should be as per the prepared lesson plan.
Contact with Students:
So, The teacher should have eye contact with the students in a class for effective learning.
Class Room Management:
At last, the Teacher should maintain the classroom in an effective manner. He should manage good seating of students in a class and if a student disturbs him during a lecture then how he responds and start his lesson again.
Punjab School Classroom of the Future with a New Android Mobile App