Letter regarding Primary School PSTs Teachers Promotion as per Seniority Rules 2014 Punjab. So, the Punjab government school education SED department has issued dated Lahore 21st May 2019.
However, It has coordinated to allude to the subject referred to over. 2. I have additionally coordinated to express that objections have got from educators. So, that the advancement against a post (Elementary School Teachers). So, having distinctive Seniority-records has not set up according to the School Education Department Punjab (School Education). Therefore, the Service Rules-2014 3. In the Districts. the advancement against Seniority records for the posts (ESTs) have framed for EST (SC), (Math), EST (Urdu), EST (Eng.), and EST (General). Similarly, in certain areas, two-position records are readied for example one for EST (SC-Math) and one for EST (Arts) This separation has made an unbalanced circumstance in the regions and furthermore distress among the educators
4. according to the Punjab School Education Department (School Education) Service Rules. 2014 the post of Elementary School Teacher is to be filled as under –
I. half by beginning enrollment (a) 60% for Elementary Teachers (Science and Math). and (b) 40% for a post of EST (Arts) and
II. half by advancement based on position cum wellness (a) 60% for the posts of Elementary Teacher (Arts), and (b) 40% for the posts of EST (Science and Maths) from among Primary School Teachers.
5. It is elucidated above that the seniority lists (These are two) are obligatory to be set under the Rules discussed. EST (SC-Math) is one post and EST (Arts) is there another post.
Primary School Teachers Promotion as per Seniority Rules 2014 Punjab