8th Class Students are historically sitting tight for the results. PEC Result Online Results of 8th Class 2020 announced in all of the districts of Punjab. Online Results of the 8th Class will be announced. The Punjab examination surveys Class 5 and Grade 8 in Punjab. PEC will announce the results and result cards of private students at their home addresses. The Punjab examination commission is working on the Online Results of the 8th Class.
Read More: PEC 5th Class Result
Check PEC 5th Result Here Click Here
Online Result of 8th Class 2020 All Boards Punjab:
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Lahore
PEC has an online class result for BISE Lahore. BISE Lahore Class 8 Result 2020 prepared after marking. Board Lahore class 8 results will be online on 31st March. It is a Class 8 result Punjab Examination Commission. Several students are awaiting that result in Punjab. So, the ILMILOG team will show it here on this page. Therefore, our team requests to be in contact with the Lahore board results in 2020.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Gujranwala
The PEC exam 2020 was held in February. The PEC result is very close. BISE Gujranwala Board announces Class 8 Result 2020. This board shows results for regular and private students. The PEC result of 2020 will show better results this year. ILMILOG team is excited to show these PEC results on this page. Our site is the best alternative as the official site Gujranwala board. Students will check their results with their given roll numbers. All of you will be happy to print result cards online.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Faisalabad:
Faisalabad board educated about the result declaration 2020. BISE Faisalabad Board will announce the Class 8 Results 2020 online. The PEC result on 31 March may be online. Our site as the official site of PEC announces the result on time. You will check their PEC result online. Faisalabad board’s official website may be down on result day. So, our team works well to show results here on this page.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Sargodha:
BISE Sargodha Board will announce the Class 8 Result 2020. The online results of the 8th class will be on the board’s official website. This board announces PEC annual results every year. The students of BISE Sargodha are waiting now. Therefore, it is happy to know that our team works for you. All students may download this result through this site
PEC Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Rawalpindi:
EC Rawalpindi board class 8 announce the result soon. Rawalpindi BISE PEC works annually for class 8 Result 2020. Our page ILMILOG is for you. You visit regularly to check the annual PEC Result here.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Bahawalpur:
BISE Bahawalpur works every year for a result. This result will be announced on 31st March. You may visit this page to check the results online.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE DG Khan:
Dera Ghazi Khan Board will announce the result soon. All students can check their results on the official webpage. ILMILOG team will be happy if you will contact us. This team will work for you on this page.
Board Class 8 Result 2020 BISE Sahiwal:
Sahiwal Board Punjab is now active. This board PEC clears the exam 2020 in February. BISE Sahiwal will announce the result on 31st March.
Online Result of 8th Class 2020
The result was announced on 31 March at 10 AM
For PEC Result 2019 Update Click Here
UK School Results:

UK Teacher Interview:
Who rejects modern education? Shaping just spectacular results, flags, better backgrounds, how she did it, and watching TV without believing. In other words, we actually have to hire bouncers at one parent’s evening to mine. So, their husbands were. And we just had our first set of good results and, uh, just so you know yours is not. However, usually on bikes with their faces, taking one of his exams so, radio, Sunday results.
Or. Because your results will adjust excellently by extraordinary polls on the national average. You had Judas students. Therefore, they are dominantly from socio-economic backgrounds and a lot of them have also learning difficulties. So, they show remarkable results. Half of them got a great segment or above, which is an eight or nine class in app writing. But at least five subjects tell us that it wasn’t just throwing money at the problem you just got a different way of going about things.
That’s right so I mean yes so we’ve had our mass results, for instance, one-quarter of the children got the absolute top mark which is a nine which is a plus a choice.
My Extraordinary Results:
Yeah, it’s true. Our results are really extraordinary, especially when you think about the disadvantaged backgrounds that children come from and that’s because we are very, we have very high expectations on behavior. So one thing. Talk about is that we have these sudden car doors. And what it means is that the children move very quickly to their lessons. However, other people who don’t agree with us, have an obsession with the idea that children should be able to run the child and push each other in the car doors.
Well, that’ll slow the time down for them, getting their lessons. And then the other thing is that when they arrive. The lesson there is so kind of high that it can take the teacher ten to fifteen minutes, just to calm them down. That doesn’t happen at our school. Therefore, they are very quick to the lessons they have to work on immediately. And when you are trying to catch children up with a chronological reading age, when they first joined you at eleven years old, and that can take a couple of years you want all of the time that the lesson gives you.
Visit of Politicians:
Quite a few politicians have come to your school, and when those results came, sorry, those remarkable results promise to Boris Johnson even acknowledge them and acknowledge Courtney if it changed that. So, do you think that will be an adoption of us? A little bit more throughout the day after all the hostility and resistance you faced.
Visitors and Classroom Ideas:
Yeah, well the husband, I mean, even in Australia, actually, because we get visitors from all over the world, and we’ve had Australian visitors and they come and they take our ideas and certainly many, many businesses from across England Scotland, and Wales will come and they take the idea of sometimes teachers in the classroom. To implement the ideas in the classroom. Sometimes they implement the ideas across the school teacher.
Now. It’s not just about discipline. That’s just, ah, that it’s also how we teach. So, your older viewers will remember a day when at school, the teacher stood at the front of the class. And lead the learning, the children follow the teachers’ work. Nowadays, children have often grouped desks, looking at each other. Instead of looking at the teacher, and the teacher as a facilitator of learning who moves amongst the desks, trying to keep children on task. And the idea is that the child is learning as opposed to the teacher. Now, we don’t do that advocate.
Who is a Teacher?
It’s the teacher who believes the learning. Therefore, I always say the teacher is driving the bus and it’s the teacher’s job to make sure that all of the children stay on the bus. Sometimes oh, he’s looking out the window, so he’s jumped on the bus. Okay. Gotta get it back in. Come on Johnny. Let’s go get back on the bus and that way you get to your destination with all the children in there. That is a very different idea.
Nowadays in twenty, nineteen. So, more progressive ways have changed education I would say over the last fifty years, whereas fifty years ago, what I just said was perfectly normal so we have gone back to tradition. In other words, we find it really does work. It helps children to learn what needs to be learned and it gives them direction structure and order, Therefore, I think children need they feel safe in that kind of environment that they can.
Trust the Teacher:
Lastly, Trust the teacher to lead them to where they need to go as opposed to handing over to the children. Then we’ll actually the bullies in the class are the ones who sort of take over and then the other children who are a bit shyer and so, and they don’t want to put up their hands. One of the things that I guess today is because there are so many children putting up their hands in less than this so engaged and they already engaged because the teacher is the one that’s in charge. And I think that’s an important point.
Similarly, we believe in the authority of the adult. Sadly, these days the notion of authority has been given a bad name and people think that it needs a third. Terry. So, if you’re in a bar think, oh, you must be Hitler. And that just isn’t the case. So, you can be an adult. You can be a parent. Being in a position of authority for five years shouldn’t tell you what to do. Therefore, it’s okay for the parent to take charge.