Pay Scale Revised Chart with Adhoc Relief Allowance (2023)

Pay Scale Chart 2023 Federal Government Pakistan

Pay Scale Revised Chart with Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020 Download

Pay Scale Revised Chart
payscale chart 2020

Payscale is expected to be revised in the early proposal of this budget 2020. But now, it is not final for govt employees of Pakistan. There is a proposal to increase the salary and pension for employees. The government is happy to listen to such a piece of wonderful news.

However, it is expected shortly. In the news, it is clear to increase the salary by 50% from grade 1 to 16. Similarly,  it has announced a 30% increase of grade 17 to 19 employees. At last, 20% increased in grade 20 to 22 officers.

Pay Scale Revised Chart with Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020:

In addition, the ILMILOG team has prepared a pay scale chart for 2020 for valuable customers. I mean there are a large number of visitors to So, I felt that the employees were waiting for such a pay scale chart. Therefore, it has been uploaded on this web page for your satisfaction. But keep in mind that these are all proposals, not a final one.

However, our team has prepared for all employees of Pakistan from grade 1 to grade 22. It has been prepared based on the basic pay scale of 2017. As you know the government has not revised the scales yet after 2017. So, this chart has been prepared as per the basic pay scale of 2017.

Read More: Pakistan Federal Budget 2020-21

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020:

In this chart, Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020 has been added for employees. The government has started to prepare a new pay scale revised chart for 2020. But it may not be clear till budget 2020-21. Because the finance minister’s team is still giving different proposals to the prime minister.

When a newly revised pay scale chart 2020 is final, I shall upload it for your information on this webpage. Therefore, the Adhoc relief allowance 2020 has been added to the basic pay scale 2017. You may download this chart with the given link above.

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