Lecturer PPSC Jobs Advertisement No. 24/2020 Punjab

Lecturer PPSC Jobs 2020
Lecturer PPSC Jobs 2020

Lecturer PPSC Jobs 2020 has been announced in Advertisement No. 24/2020 Punjab. Now all candidates having the required qualifications may apply for a job. The Punjab government has announced a large number of posts for lecturers male & female. The candidates are waiting after completing their master’s. Therefore, it is a big opportunity for those who are in struggle after completing the required qualification.

Lecturer PPSC Jobs:

Punjab colleges declared 2451 posts Lecturer BPS-17. The Government Colleges announce 1435 posts, Females, similarly 1016 male posts. Punjab Public Service Commission has uploaded these seats on the official website of PPSC. This is an Advertisement 24/2020 Lecturer Jobs PPSC. So, the Registration has begun on the 24th of August with the Online Website of PPSC. The candidates were waiting for such jobs at PPSC for a long time. Therefore, all candidates having a Punjab domicile are happy now with this news.

Related Links:

  • PPSC Jobs 2020 Today PPSC Advertisement for Apply Online
  • PPSC Educators Jobs 2020 School Education Punjab
  • Regularization of Punjab Teachers through PPSC in 2020
  • Latest Upcoming PPSC Lecturer Jobs in Punjab
  • Ban on Recruitment of PPSC Jobs

PPSC Syllabus for Lecturer Jobs:

In addition, the Punjab Public Service Commission will arrange a paper later. This paper will contain multiple-choice questions MCQs. There are 100 marks in total. So, it means that there are 100 MCQs having one mark each.

So, the syllabus for PPSC will be equal to the master’s degree syllabus. There will be a duration of half an hour for this test. If a candidate will apply for a number of subjects then it is necessary to apply separately.

However, this test will start soon after the closing of the online application date.

WRITTEN Test Syllabus of jobs:

Total Marks=100

Duration= 90minutes

  1. 80% of your subject in masters
  2. 20% General questions

At last, the ILMILOG team will help you step by step to apply online. So, Download this Advertisement 24/2020, Challan Form, and more here. If you feel any problem please comment below. Our team will help you soon.

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