The Punjab government SED has issued a notification about Single SST science e-transfer 2020.
A Petitioner Shuja SST (Science) has applied in the court. Similarly, two other Respondents like DEO (W-EE), Chakwal (A Departmental Representative of CEO (DEA) Chakwal).
Single SST Science E-Transfer 2020 Allowed after Writ Petition
However, the petitioners have filed the precise facts of the case in a Writ Petition No.2174/2020. So, LHC (Lahore High Court) Rawalpindi Bench Rawalpindi has passed an order dated 10th November 2020.
The operative part is which is reproduced below,
“Petitioners have directed to approach the Special Secretary (Operations), School Education Department. Similarly, they will go with all necessary records within three days. If so approached, the grievance against a specific clause of the policy has addressed and redressed.
So, they will submit the report on the next date of hearing”
2. Above all, In compliance with the Court’s direction, the petitioners had afforded an opportunity of personal hearing. But he will avail the opportunity in the presence of a representative of CEO Chakwal. The Chief Executive Officer, District Education Authority, Chakwal heard at length.
In addition, The petitioners submitted that the government has given the opportunity to apply for E-Transfer. if there is a single IT Teacher in the school.
Related Links:
- E-Transfer SIS Punjab 2020 7th Round has scheduled
- Latest E-Transfer Policy 2020 of Punjab Teachers Announced
- System of New E-transfer and Amendment in the Policy 2020
- Inter-District Transfer and Transfer Guidelines for School teachers
- Notification of Transfer Postings Ban of Higher Education
Similarly, the SST (Sci) is also a technical post like an IT Teacher. But there has not given an opportunity to apply online for E-Transfer having served in the school for more than 10 years.
So, the petitioners further contend that the petitioners have treated discriminatorily by the Department. Therefore, there should be an opportunity for transfer to the petitioners.
However, it has revealed from a perusal of the record. This record shows that petitioners had not given the opportunity to apply online due to a single science teacher in the school.
At last, the secretary SED has allowed applying in the next round. So, after accepting representation, a single science teacher will apply in the next round of e-transfer.
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