Revised Pay Scale 2021 Update News Applied on 1st July

Revised Pay Scale 2021 Update News has given and applied on 1st July 2021. The government of Pakistan agreed to give relief to employees. So, we are publishing here news for all employees of Pakistan.

In addition, the clerical staff association APCA has demanded more in the upcoming budget. So, all employees are protesting on 12th January to increase salaries. Similarly, they have demanded to upgrade clerks.

Revised Pay Scale 2021 Update News Applied on 1st July

However, Ali Muhammad Khan has announced recently in front of media representatives. He has said that the government will increase salaries in the upcoming budget in the month of May or June.

In other words, a meeting has held on 8th January. So employees and the government agrees on some points. Now the government will merge a minimum of two ad-hoc relief allowances and revised basic pay scales.

Related Links:

  • Finance Budget Meeting 2021 for Revised Basic Pay Scales
  • Salary Average after Upgradation Pay Scales For Teachers
  • Revision of Basic Pay Scales and Adhoc Relief Allowance 
  • Regular Pay Scale Revised Chart All Govt Employees

I tell you that in the past budget, there was a different situation. But the government agrees to revise the pay scale chart 2020. After that no increase in the salary.

Now some employees are talking again that the government will behave like a basic pay scale 2020.

However, I think now it is not the same situation. Now the government is facing problems of PDM. Therefore, there are many chances of salary increase.

The employees are forcing to increase now not on or after 1st July 2021. So, Ali Muhammad Khan has announced that a committee will announce to revise basic pay scales next week.

Revised Pay Scale 2021
Revised Pay Scale 2021

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