Salary Increase Agreement Commitments with Protesters in Islamabad were made on 11th February 2021. This agreement has been issued for future notification. I think the government will issue a notification soon.
Subject: Agreement with Protesters regarding Salary increase
Salary Increase Agreement Commitments with Protesters in Islamabad
In pursuance of the notifications issued by the honorable Prime minister., So, a committee has been constituted comprising Ministers for Defense. Interior and Parliamentary. Affairs to deal with the issues of the All Government Employees Grand Alliance (AGFGA). Pakistan along with leaders of government organizations.
The matter has been raised in the Federal Cabinet and the Finance Division has been directed to engage with the protesting employees to process the revision of a pay package for Federal Government Employees. After due deliberations and rounds of various negotiations with the It representatives of AGEGA (Annexure I) following commitments have been made subject to conformance to law and Policy:
Related Links:
- Pakistan Budget 2021 Salary Increase News for Govt Employees
- Federal Budget 2021-22 Pakistan Timeline Schedule
Salary Increase Agreement Commitments:
- Disparity reduction allowance is’ 25% of the basking pay of BPS-2017 allowed to those civil employees in BPS 1-19 of the Federal Government (including employees of the Federal Secretariat and attached departments) who have never allowed additional salary- equal to or more than 100% of the basic pay (whether frozen or not) or performance allowance.
- The posts from BPS 1-16 or equivalent upgraded on the pattern of the Government of KPK.
- The time-scale promotion is also considered for adoption on the same patterns in the next budget.
- Ad Hoc relief is considered to be made part of the basic salary with effect from July 2021.
- The above package has also been recommended by the provinces for adoption from their own funds. This is also included in the notification to be issued by the Federal Government.
- Any legal proceedings against the protestors are hereby withdrawn including against employees of Radio Pakistan.

Now all employees are happy. However, this agreement has been issued for federal government employees. So, all provincial employees are waiting till the CM of the province issues an agreement like that. Therefore, this happy news is only for all federal government employees.