Muharram 2024, Date and other related Information

علمی لاگ

 Muharram 2024, Date and other related information

When is Muharram 2024?

Muharram is expected to start on the 7th of July on Sunday or 8TH July on Monday 2024, depending on your location and sighting of the moon. From Muharram the New Islamic Year 1446, Hijri will start.

Meaning of the word Muharram

The literal meaning of Muharram is “Forbidden”. Similar to other sacred months, wagging war or indulging in any kind of violence is forbidden during this month.

Importance of Muharram

Muharram is not only the first month of the Islamic calendar but it is also one of the sanctified months of the year. Our holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said in his last Hajj Sermon:

“The year is of 12 months, out of which 4 months are sacred; Three are in succession Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah, and Muharram and (fourth is) Rajab.”

(Surah At-Taubah 9:36)

 It has also been narrated in the Holy Quran that:

“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve(lunar) months in the register of Allah (from) the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.”

(Sahih Bukhari:3197)

The mention of specific months doesn’t mean that other months have no importance; in fact, each month has its sacredness and also, we already know that Ramadan is admittedly the most important month of the year. But Allah has chosen a particular time for His blessings and these four months are among those particular times in which a Muslim can receive the maximum blessings of Allah.

Fasting during Muharram

Muharram had great significance long before the time of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Earlier, it was made obligatory to fast on the tenth of Muharram. However, later, fasting on this day was made optional, and only fasting during Ramadan was made obligatory. It is narrated by Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) that the Prophet (S.A.W.W) said:

“Whoever wishes to fast (on the Day of Ashura) may do so: and whoever wishes to leave it can do so”

(Sahih Bukhari :1592)

But also fasting during the month of Muharram is the most rewarded among the optional fasts in the light of the following Hadith:

 The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said:

“The best fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah, Al-Muharram.

Muharram 10 (Ashura)
The most holy day of Muharram is Ashura, which falls on the tenth day of the month. The Prophet (S.A.W.) commanded the Muslims to fast on Ashura day and fasted himself when he arrived in Madinah. However, the choice to fast on this day was removed when the Ramadan fasts became mandatory. However, several trustworthy Hadiths state that fasting on the Day of Ashura is a confirmed Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).

The Companions (R.A.) state that Jews observe a particular day on the 10th of Muharram called holdfasting. The Prophet (S.A.W.) announced that they would likewise fast on the ninth of Muharram beginning the next year to distinguish themselves from the Jews. Unfortunately, Prophet (S.A.W.) did not live to see the next year. Because the ninth and tenth of Muharram are significant days in the Islamic calendar, Muslims observe fasts on these days. [Sahih Muslim: 1134 (a)]


Superstition & Fallacies Regarding Muharram
While the majority of Muslims are aware of the advancements in Islam, some Muslims still harbor myths and misconceptions regarding the month of Muharram and the Day of Ashura. Among the many widespread myths and superstitions are Regarding Muharram:

1: Sadly, a lot of Muslims still think that because of the Karbala event, Muharram is a terrible month
Although we realize that it was a tragic occurrence, remember that this month is Allah's month according to Sahih Muslim: 1163 (a) and Tirmidhi: 438. How is the month of Allah unfortunate and harmful for His slaves? On the other hand, it is a credit to Husain (R.A.) that the day of Ashura was chosen for his sacrifice.

2. Likewise, a lot of Muslims decide not to be married (Nikkah) in this month for the same reason, which is utterly untrue and deceptive.
Regarding the First Day of Ashura: Allah created the Prophet Adam (A.S.) on this day. Prophet Ibrahim was born on the tenth day of Muharram (A.S.)

3. The Prophet Adam's (A.S.) repentance was accepted by Allah on this day.
4. The day of judgment is Friday, the 10th of Muharram.

5. On the tenth of Muharram, a person who takes a bath will never get sick.


6. Anyone applying kohl to their eyes on this day will be immune to all eye diseases.

7- Some claim that it is Sunnah to prepare and then serve a certain kind of dinner on this specific day.


Muslims should so refrain from engaging in any of these customs during Muharram.
In conclusion, despite its complexity, Muharram is a sacred month that is significant to all Muslims, and it will always be a time for Muslims worldwide to reflect deeply.

 In summary
With all of its complexity, Muharram is an essential and holy month for all Muslims, and it will always be a time for thoughtful contemplation for Muslims everywhere.

As with the secular New Year, resolutions to better oneself as a Muslim should be made at the beginning of the Islamic New Year. You may make little personal objectives for yourself to improve as a person and a Muslim. These objectives might be social or spiritual. Making consistent Dhikr and Duas, as well as lending a hand to fellow Muslims, will help you deepen your relationship with Allah. And all good deeds are rewarded by Allah.

Also, read about Eid-ul-Adha 2024

May Allah bless us all!!!!! Ameen.

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