Result of second year (F.Sc.) Class of Punjab Board ,2024

 Result of second year (F.Sc.) Class of
Punjab Board,2024

The result of the second-year F.Sc
will be announced on September 12, 2024. The result date will be officially
announced soon. 

But till now this date has been considered as the result date
of the second date. The official result date will be announced by the board
authorities soon.Also, check Result  of 9th Class 2024,Result of 10th class 2024 and Result of 9th class 2023

How to check the result?

The result can be checked by roll
number. The way to check the result by roll number is as follows:

·       First open the board’s official
website then find the search bar.

·       Write your roll number in the search

·       Then the results of all subjects will
be shown.

Result date and

date and time of the result is:

RESULT: F.Sc.(second year)

DATE: 12 September 2024

TIME: 10 am

 The students must be waiting for the result eagerly
but students have patience there is still some time for this to happen.

This result must be very important for
those students who are going to be admitted to universities for their graduation.

This time result is going to be a
surprise for the students just like the surprise they had in their first-year results.
The board authorities have made some changes as we already know that this time
the exams were conducted on a conceptual basis instead of the old way. So, this
time there must be a surprise waiting for the students on the result day.

Wishing all the students the best of
luck with their results and be patient till the official result date is

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