The education department has started transfers in KPK. So, the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued a Notification No. SOG/E&SE/1-23/2018. In other words, the Elementary & Secondary Education Peshawar has updated on 06-12-2018. This notification is about Education Department Postings/Transfers of the NTS Teachers Jobs KPK.
Subject: Education Department Transfers OF NTS TEACHERS/ EMPLOYEES.
However, I have directed you to refer to the subject noted above and to state that all teachers regularized under- –
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Employees of Elementary and Secondary Education Department (Appointment and Regularization of Service, Act, 2017 (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act 1 of 2018″ shall treat as regular Civil Servants.
Lastly, the government will allow for transfer on merit by rules. a policy of the Government and the approval of respective authorities.
In addition, the Section Officer (General) has signed it.
I. The Section Officer (Schools/Male, E&SE Department.
2. The Section Officer (Schools/Female), E&SE Department. 3. The Section Officer (Primary), E&SE Department. 4. P.S to Secretary, E&SE Department. 5. P.S to Special Secretary E&SE Department. 6. P.A to Additional Secretary (Estab.), E&SE Department. 7. P.A to Deputy Secretary, (Adman), E&SE Department.
Department Postings/Transfers of the NTS Teachers Jobs KPK
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Above all, the ILMILOG team is working on notifications. So, all employees who are working in Pakistan, visit this site. They come here for the solution.
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